06/19/2017-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 19, 2017, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilmember Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None The Mayor and All Council Members Were Present Constituting a Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan, Director of Community and Economic Development. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Muir at 7:05 pm. The Invocation was given by Councilman Bilyeu, and The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Chick. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). William Townsend, 913 Bolivar Street was recognized. He noted he has lived here for six years. He has worked with the City of Aubrey for over 16 years and has been second in command in the Police Department for over 12 years and has experience with drafting ordinances and manuals. He provided handouts and noted he would like to request the Council look at Chapter 12 Traffic and Vehicles. To specifically take a look at the Parking Regulations and requested that the ordinance more clearly define an easement, a roadway, a homeowner’s yard, and grass and possibl y defining junked vehicles. He also requested that the Council possibly add an addendum to provide an exception for Public Safety Emergency Vehicles that are required to respond to critical incidents. He advised he is willing to help if he can and is just asking for something that gives further definition to vehicle parking, junked vehicles, etc. so that other people in the city do not get dinged on this. He noted he is taking advantage of Subsection F and is grandfathers, because there was pre-existing gravel and he can park in that area. James Frank Jones, 3087 Belz Road was recognized. He noted he wanted to know where the meeting for I-35 expansion was going to be. Mayor Muir advised it was going to be at the High School at 100 Indian Lane at FM 455 and Indian Lane. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: a. City Council Work Session, June 5, 2017 b. Regular City Council Meeting, June 5, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approve Appointing the Following to Open Board Positions: Planning and Zoning Commission – Phillip Surles, Place 7 Matt Fuller, Alternate 4B Board – Debbie Reaves, Alternate d) Approve Cancelling the City Council Regular Meeting for July 3rd, 2017 A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. The motion carried unanimously (5-0 vote). 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 35.48 Acres From A Agricultural District to a Planned Development Townhome Residential District, Generally Located on the East Side of Indian Lane and North Side of McReynolds Road. (THIS ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT) No Action Taken. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on a Request to Rezone Approximately 35.48 Acres From A Agricultural District to a Planned Development Townhome Residential District, Generally Located on the East Side of Indian Lane and North Side of McReynolds Road. (THIS ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT) No Action Taken. 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on a Final Plat, 21.422 Acres in the W.M. Mason Survey, Abstract No. 801, located South of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. Director of Community and Economic Development Alina Ciocan was recognized to present the plat. She advised that this plat is in the City’s ETJ is was sent to Denton County for review and they came back with some comments that have been implemented. The applicant is subdividing the property into 6 lots and the sizes range from two to five plus acres. The plat is in conformance with the subdivision ordinance, therefore staff recommends approval. She advised that the owner, Chip Sargent is present if there are any questions. A motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve the Final Plat of 21.422 Acres in the W. M. Mason Survey, Abstract No. 801, located South of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (5-0 vote). 8. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 30.59 Acres From Single Family Residential District 10 (SF-10) and Single Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to A Planned Development Single Family Residential District, Generally Located on the Eas t Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. Mayor Muir noted for the Record that Councilman Allison is the Engineer/consultant of record for Items 8, 9, and 10 and recused himself from the meeting and exited the room. Director of Economic and Development Services was recognized. She advised that this is the Willowood Addition consisting of 30.59 Acres. This item was discussed in a Council Work Session about two months ago. The Developer is Williamsburg Construction Services. The Applicant Bill Wait is here to answer any questions. This addition is actually platted for 126 lots and the current zoning is SF-10 and SF-7. The lots along railroad are zoned SF-7 and the remainder of the property is zoned SF-10. They are proposing a Planned Development. If approved tonight, the minimum dwelling size will increase from basically 1200 and 1350 square feet to 1600, 1800 and 2000 square feet. There are 161 lots. The applicant is requesting to alter the setbacks – Front Yard from 25 feet to 20 feet; Side Yard from 8 feet to 5 feet; Rear Yard from 25 feet to 20 feet. The lot area would be reduced to 5000 square feet to accommodate the minimum lot area required - 50 x 100. Because of the front entry garages, they will be required to include decorative features such as ornamental hardware and window inserts on the garage doors. They also can not repeat the same house elevation within a six-lot block which will create a bit of diversity in the neighborhood. The exterior construction requirements are still the same with first floor 100 percent masonry and 50 percent masonry for the second floor. The subdivision will be subject to the landscape requirements. She noted that the plat shows 1st Street punching through but the applicant has not been able to secure that property. There is also a companion item, a Preliminary Plat, which is coming up next on tonight’s agenda for consideration, if this is approved. There was lengthy discussion regarding the punch through of 1st Street. City Manager Brice noted there are four outlets for access to the subdivision. Jason Faigle, Engineer Allison Engineering noted that they are not going to build a house right there now, there is drainage there. They could potentially put the right - of way there and could change it at final platting. It was noted that the Council would like to see 1st Street go through. Mayor Muir noted that Item Number 8 is a Public Hearing and Proceeded to Conduct the Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 30.59 Acres From Single Family Residential District 10 (SF-10) and Single Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to A Planned Development Single Family Residential District, Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. He solicited any citizens who wished to speak. There being no one approaching the podium the public hearing was closed at 7:33 PM. 9. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #06-18-17 – Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 30.59 Acres From Single Family Residential District 10 (SF-10) and Single Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to A Planned Development Single Family Residential District Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. There was additional discussion regarding the punching through of 1st Street. It was noted that some of the lots were 115 feet. Jason Faigle with Allison Engineering was recognized and noted that they purposely aligned the right-of-way so it could transition to right-of-way in the future, if necessary. This was done so that if some point in the future the street needed to go through it would be possible. He also explained the drainage within the subdivision. Mayor Muir noted that at the Planning and Zoning Meeting there was a lot of opposition (approximately 28 people) during their public hearing; however, by the end of the meeting most of the concerns were addressed and none of the people have shown up for the Council Meeting. Mr. Wait was recognized and noted the largest opposition was the drainage issues and it was noted that they have thoroughly addressed the drainage issues on their property. Planning and Zoning did recommend approval of the rezoning. Mayor Muir noted that he felt that they should leave the opening for 1st Street to go through on the final plat. There was further discussion regarding the through street. Mr. Wait noted that they tried to purchase the lot below to continue 1st Street through, and also proposed additional drainage improvements on it, but they could not obtain the property which was owned by Howard Ashcraft. Jason Faigle, Engineer for Allison Engineering, noted that they could square off and include the right-of-way to stub out on their final plat. A Motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to Approve Ordinance #06-18-17 – Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 30.59 Acres From Single Family Residential District 10 (SF-10) and Single Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to A Planned Development Single Family Residential District Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously with a 4- 0 vote, No Vote from Councilman Allison who recused himself on this Agenda Item and was not present in the room during the vote. 10. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Preliminary Plat of the Willowood Addition, 30.59 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. Councilman Bilyeu asked if this is where they need to note that they would like to see 1st Street go through. It was noted that staff would make a note of the concerns and have them put it on the final plat. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve the Preliminary Plat of the Willowood Addition, 30.59 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. Motion was seconded by Councilman Chick. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote, No Vote from Councilman Allison who recused himself on this Agenda Item and was not present in the room during the vote. Councilman Allison returned to the meeting. 11. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #06-19-17 – Amending Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances Article 12.600, Sec. 12.610 “Off-Street Parking”. City Manager Brice noted this Ordinance fixes a discrepancy between the Zoning Ordinance and our Code of Ordinances. This will amend Off-Street Parking in Industrial so that the only place that gravel is allowed is in “A” Agricultural Zoning. He noted Item “f.” says if you are parking on gravel or rock surfaces in existence today, you can continue to do so, you can maintain them, but you cannot expand them. There was general discussion regarding various parking regulations. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance #06-19-17 – Amending Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances Article 12.600, Sec. 12.610 “Off-Street Parking”. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote. 12. INFORMATION ITEMS a) All American Dogs Report No discussion. 13. ADJOURN There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m.