05/16/1955-CC-Minutes-Regularx°. City Council met in regular session ,n .h. ,b,+; kate ■<■ presents were Maya- Wilson, Coijncilmen <pratto Johnsonp Seely,, !nC,.,#«. he &inutes of the previous mebting were <..• and #»,4.<# . ?prat- a & ! .-�, , : talk . _ . � with ©, Couch of ,» the electricallt:.? there* ■� w ,.��� �, _�: he §! Enterprise engine. ,ut ,n: The Secretary was < to « ., that »■»? ^.© ..l.= peal:.w:. �# !««»<«°» ,- ■-<#? ■i �£»» ,<2 and turned w new brushes <, :!2? Denton and 2<# :§<- =nk if not t, take it to :t. Worth �,� »_- .■. ,:<_, !� .:< �:22<.� y� he Santa Fe well and promised t. #. that this INOT * o< as .,,<,<a. ¥», �;- ■2 MIR <ouncil to be done.9 These included dittille by <» _». Charlie Belz ,lace of business on Cherry Streetp Bill -1,«Garage, Ready house and to have scme ravel hauled to .la., on the no rth ,rt. w.: of 8t street <# fronthe of the ..l now being built. = M ( : «KXXK"MKMX=KXXXMMU A motion»,. » »}\� »have ree C,m °.<_< Cooper to <_e that this work be done, econded „ Acker,,t. carried. � „■»» <.- -# •-- »�.:� °��a°«® <?# �-�� ,. _<- ■. .� « ■ « .. . #itches and vacant <,<- mowed. 2• further business meing adjourned. � w Mayor) v e et 7