06/06/1955-CC-Minutes-SpecialUouncil mt in regularo • on ` above • y Thosepresents were Mayor Wilsnn,•.. .. Coopers Johnson Acker,, Spratts and Seelyq and guest Mr. P. E. Parker. • • : • : •.. ,• r •. . !. • •. * i cattle out of • of • odor was very bad on all of b1i tenants in that part of town, As there has been so much rain the cattle pens st&neh and very unhealthful and disagreeable totheepeople • live by these • ` After discussion on • • • -Lem. a motion by acker to have an ordiancey ! prohibit any• - City Limits of Sanger to have or + more one cow and one calfanytime, this was seconded. • •carried. jould write this ordiance and also see if he woUd rewrite and draw up to date a complete copy of the City Ordinances now in effedt in the City of G. he was to be consulted .^•• aow the City could annex or extend its City Limits. Street CoMmissioner was to see .about opening the ditches along Highway 77 through the Citye i checked III • 4 •y %juopef a UU •. w • • s ^ • • y 1 • •y • " • • • •seconded by Johnson.. motion carried. Enterprise's final payment amounted tin: $13,975.1o, he Council approved I and instructed Ross "nderson to put 211 •?ellers & Cherry's Feed Mill could • i y nneett on to it for water, Phe City was to run 1001 or • . : of. The Council went over the delinquent accounts now owed the person who owes the city for Lights & Water a notice that servi willftiscontinued after y or by June 13, 1955 if thesebil INSTRUCTED ROSS ANDERSON TO PUT 2" PIPE UNDER THE BOLIVAR HIGHWAY GOING NORTH ON 10TH STREET FELLERS & CHERRY'S FEED MILL COULD CONNECT ON TO IT FOR WATER are Aot payed# motion• •w! by Seely,carried. here after Ross Anderson will get a list of the delinquent from the Secretary icmd after the 15th of each month,and go and see them and if they do no, pay their accounts he will cut their put on their • ... for reconnectionk sontinued from Page 140) ,Discussion wason ••- opening s Skatin,% Ln the r Limits of An acrossN'or three months would be assessed against him, m d if he ianted to rent the City lot thestreet from )ffice a fee of $10.00 per month will be collected. He was to 3ee the neighbors • • where ever he located • ermissionon l Discussionon g_ Briscoe f1 _<. • pool hall in the ,ity was discussed and the Council decided not0have this • "iness in the City Limits (bf Sanger, s• ! • 0 i • • • FF f. s Fire Station to the north wall so it would accomdate Judg Peabody,, ki onstable Carter,,Policeman Baker the proposed location of the new A a to see Mr. jffit irkpatrick of sDepartment in Denton : • find out just KKKXXXXMM'what specification they would acquire to •• this. fl No fur h.er businea meeting adjourned. Mayor) c e a:r