07/05/1955-CC-Minutes-Regularate those presents were Mayor Wilodn$ Councilmen Akerq Johnson, pratt, Seely, Cooper. • • • w • - w • y Johnson, seconded by Acker to pay the bills, motion carried. Disclzssion was given having tho exhause fans now in the warehouse installed in the plant. This was to be done right I way • enton and see who was suppose to sell or get rid of the cooter thht was picked up by the City's and County' Consttible 67: `kr several months back. •0IT:lCe.Secretary • contact *Iivil Defense • t buy and insthll bhis radio. Also the City Whitesboro was to be contacted and see how their radiols work out with their city, and if Civil )efense helped them buy w radio. Also contact companibes ?adio, Discussionwas ivenon the number of Street Lights around • bown that burn all •wt long.• see switches could be Put on these lights and the residents around t 4 hese lights would )e responsible• • Off each • k1so a letter from Mrs Highfill in Valley View asking for a street light to be installed near her house, Anderson was to ,heck into this and see if they really need the lif;%ht. ind find out just what needs to be done and see if the men it the plant could do this work or do what they could and hen call in some«. or • with thA ork thate• ♦ • • ,. he council decided to have the dump bed truck repaired to about three different places and find out thei: let the one with the loweet price f ix the Discussion was given on installing a bigger Air donditioner in the City Office, Mro Spnattoffered 11 ton Air Conditioner at his invoice price and take the old one now in the office and try to sell It for the City. A motion by « • seconded by S - to buy th s Air onditioner 4 The secreatry presented to the council the proposed rate decrease in electric rates thtt was prepared, this was to be studied bythe Council and acted on at the next meetinge letter from the employees was presented to t he Mayor and City Council, this Letter asked by the employees for a raise in salary, this was put off until the next meeting. Discussion was given on mowing weeds and grass around the ditches and vacant lots. over town. No further business meeting adjourned. e`/ Mayor e ret rye