07/18/1955-CC-Minutes-Regulari, • The City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wils , Councilmen Seely, Johnson, Spratt, and Cooper. Councilmen Acker was absent C C • e • - • . • • -♦ . } - • • • •6 11 • way • • they are now using, i discussionwgiven on the possibill-tes of Sanger goIng into a deal with 'the Civil Defenese on installing radio's here for the City's use. This was • be • • into A letter about repairing water pump on old Fire Truck from ?uiAp Co. was read. Discussion was given on trying to find some War Surplus trucks and see if they would fit our needs. A. motion by J- hnson to buy 1 Surge Tank 35 Gals• Capacity for Engine 50023 and nine Clyinder Head Gaskets including schround gaskets, motion carried. Discussion w as given on Mrs porters moving bricks out of the street by Mr. Chambers house on Peach St. A letter was to be written to Mrs'Porter asking her to please move bricks out of the Street. Discussion on employees raise was put off until all councilmen were present or until next meeting night. No further busineeslmeeting adjourned. May or Sere"thy