08/01/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularAugust 1, 1955 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Johnson, Seely, and Spratt. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling 9 2,915.99 was read and a motion by Cooper, s ecorlded by Johnson to pay the bills, motion carried. Anderson told'the council that the City needs twos KVA transformers. A motion by Johnson seconded by Cooper to buy these transformers, motion caT ried. Discussion was given by the council on the water situation and the future needs of the City for water. `Wednesday night august 3, 1955 was set for the Council to met and go over the 1955 tax renditions, they were to met at 70030 P.M. at the City Office® A motion by Cooper, seconded by Johnson to transfer from the Valley View National Bank $4,000.00 to the City of Sanger Electric Fund, motion carried. Virgil )ard met with the Council and asking the council to see about extending the City Limits to take in his property South of his house and ask the City to run Lights, Water, and Sewer to this property so he could sell lots for people'to build houses there. This was to be considered by the Council. c . •W,• • ire to pay $5.10 a tonfor •• A motion by Acker seconded by Johnson to pay A15.00 on the r®pair on fence between the Cess fool and City 1°iarkets butcher pen, motion carried. Secretary tD call Mr. SaTrlors and find 6ut just how much. 6) will charge to audit the books and let the council know newt meeting night. motion by Acker, seconded by Seely to have the nightm secretaryone's clock in the :ch day, motionr • Discussion was given on two way radio's this was put off until Discussion was given on an additional Fire Truck fb r the City's Needs this was to be talked over with Fire Chief Bro . 8 ' Biscussionw.,s given on the flat rate situation this was discussed and was to be thought about and brought up tat eer. The discussion on the employees raise was discussed and - Ray McClendon was given .05� an hour raise and Anderson, Ready, Scoggins, Hampton, and Vaughan was given a $15.00 a month raise, Ezell given V25.00 a month raise: Effective next pay day the 15th. Secretary was to draw money from Valley View Bank when needed. No furter business a motion to a4j'Durned was made and passed. Mey or e re it y