08/15/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularAugust 15, 1955 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker., Johnson, Seely, Spratt, an.d Cooper. The minute of the previous meeting was read and. approved.. Discussion was given on a new fire tL-1AU _for the City, the Secretary was to write the Broadman Co. and ask them to bring one of their second viand trucks that they are now re conditing here so that the Coi.ncil may see just whet kInd of shape the bruck is in. el ei • that Itimbell•another mistmmer and the policy to run the first 100 f • the coustomerwould A motion by Cooper, seconded by J®hnson for the City to buy a gallon of light yellow paint th.t is recommended to paint the bulbs of the Mercury vapor lights so as to try to eliminate the bugs in town especially around the Merchants place of business. This was to be trTred on one or two lights first. Motion carried. Discussion was given on repairing the guy pile in Valley View that is in front of Mr. Hudspeth house, this was to be done by Anderson. A motion by Johnson to have Mr. Saylors of Gainesville, Texas aR L the books for the fiscal ,year that ends ugust 31.9 for the same price as was charged last year, this was seconded by Acker, motion carried. Discussion was given on install_ing the new pump in the plant and t6 install it the best way possible w the least cost to the City. Discussions given on cleaning out the ditch by G. C. Sebastian, Mr. Cooper was to look into this matter and advise Mr. Sebastian just what Abe do. A motion by Cooper seconded. by Johnson for the City to buy a mower, rotary typr from Roy Spratt to keep the 'ark, City Lot, and the Plant, motion carried. A motion by Johnson to buy five streamers to be put in front of the City Office to advertise the Sanger Fair, seconded by Spratt, motion carried. Thrusday night 'august 18, 1955 was set as t he night for th.e Council to go over the Tax renditions for 1955, at 7>30 i'. M. at the pity Office. motion by Spratt"and seconded by ®hnson to raise the Nightwatb.hments salary 15.00 'a month effective with the next pay day, rnoti n carried® No father bl siness a motion to adjourn was made and passed® u u.s t 19, 1955 The City Louncilmet in a call session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, 'ouncilrnen. cker, Spatt, Seely, and Cooper® Johnson wza.s not prese . t Discussion was given on securing a new Fire Truck for -the City's needs. A mota.on by Acker, seconded by Seely to buy a new 'Fire truck bed and body and put i#z on the City t s Chev. gravel truck just as soon as possible. Motion carried® i`he Secretary was to call Mr® Alvin Brdc m and ask him to get some of the Companys ths.t d.o this kind of work up here and talk with the Council about this. Mr. Brown was to have the companies use all equipment that could be used from the old Southern truck on the t 5. new truck® Bids were to be taken from these companies after they have seen our old truck and see just what they may be able to use on the new®truck® Discussion was given on replacing a t ck for the city's gr :v el and black top truck, this was put off till later and see just then the 1956 trucks will come out. No further business meeting adjourned® - 'ec t r