08/19/1955-CC-Minutes-Special ugus t 19, 1955 s The City 'ouncilrnet in a call session on the above date those pre5en.ts were Mayor Wilson, 'ouncilmera Acker, Span, Seely, and Cooper® ohnson w,_ .s not prese . Discussion was given on securing a new dire Trtzck for the City s needs® , motion by . cker, seconded bzl Seely to buy a new Pire truck bed and body and put i on the Cityts Chev® gravel truck just as soon as possible, Motion carried® The Secretary was to call Mr® A.1vin Bros>>n and ask him. to get same of the Companys that do this kind of work up here and talk with 'the Council about this® Mr® F3rown was to have the companies use all equipment that could be used from the old Southern truck on the t . new trucks Bids were to be taken from these companies after they have seen our old truck and see just what they may be able to use on the new ®truck Discussion was given on replacing a tick for the cityos gr.v el and black top truck, this was put off till later and see just h.en the 1956 trucks will come out. No further business meeting adjourned® - M. ypr e