09/06/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularThe Uity Uouncil met in regular sess on on the above ate those presents were Mayor Wilson, ourjcilmen Cooper,, pratt, Seely, • Johnson. Acker was not• = V1011thly bills totallf-16 5,b85,48 was read and a __otion by Johnson seconded by Cooper to pay the bills, motion carried® Gne Tumilson was present and gave a report on the Little well that the pump went out on. He says that their is not enough water in this well to ,justify having the pump repaired, He su tpest the City get a larger pump for the Santa Fe well and that will increase our water suppl j7. He wasp gives the secretary some information on Pummp Co. to calland have them come down and met with the council and see if 'they could work out some kind of a deal for a new pump and also to deck on the service before buying the pump. secretary was to write to all bidders on the Fire Truck ask them to meet with the Council on September 19th, 1955• Discussion was given by the_, ayor on 'late rates to all people in the City and outside of the City Limits, of Sanger. eter readings was discussed.. A motion by Spratt for the City to pay Archie Poindexter for hauling the trash from the School grounds after the Fair, Cooper seconded this motion, Motion carried. Dead animals on the streets or in the ditches •next to tLie streets inside the City Limits was to be hauld.d away by the City. N O furthe:r business motion was made t:Dd 9eCOnded. to adjourn.