09/07/1955-CC-Minutes-SpecialPSeptember 7, 1955 The City CoOncil met in a call session on a the above date' ;loose presents were Mayor Wilson, ouncilmen Acker, Seely, and Spratt. Mr. Sbeartnan with the Well Machinery & Supply Co. 'of Fotit Worth, Texas met with t he council and gave them a discushInn and information on a submersible puma for the Santa Fe Vle112 he recommeded a 20 HP or 30 Hp pumpfor that well. 1 ith a lift Of it 1# tt tt to t# t# It t1 t! it I /t t/ tf tt i4 This pump list for 350, M--M106 GPM 28o,-..-117 tt 200" -150 tt 3001.. ® 115 t# 29346. oo with 3001 of cable less 20% He quotad a 3oHP pump to pump water a s follows t ith a lift of 260t --- 230 GPM it tt it n 3001 220 tt It n it tt hoot 170 n t tt tt it 4501 • - 160 to N to n tt 500 t ro_ 125 This pump list Oar 2,939,00 with 3001 These prices are F.O.B. Bartlesville, Aj These prices aa d specifications here to be council and let Mr. Spearman know if they pumps. No ,furtlier business meeting ad,iournede stud3.ed by the wanted one of ih®se