09/19/1955-CC-Minutes-Regularsession on • above date hose presents t Mayor',Wilsonp Councilmen ooperp Spratt$ and Seely, and guest Mr. Brown the ire Chief, Ainutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Discussion given.ugh ate hauling onemhalldgff of t lesel fuel used at the plant if the price is right and th I w' to standard • t. t f li • S i ront of Harvey Feed house in townoThe uouncil decided hat it was not necessary to mark off a No Parking zone for ^theother merchants In town• • not have this •:... in front of u . r.. racks in East San.gernorthof the Butcher Pen and see f it could be bought • as .. make 9 street down to the Ci tyll ess • • r it .•. : ' -' i • ,3 •S .. x ;a1k and discussing on thler Fire Equipment that they a ubmitted bids.on to the City. This.was discussed by hief Brown S • the Council., No action was takenm: sect for the P11re Truck, IYOUr cCmp anles will beasked to 4ubmitt bids on • . C ♦ Ford Motor • nternational Harvester Co., and Nichols Motor Valley View, hese bids were••E. In by O....•i^.. 3, 1,955. A motion by Cooper to authorise the S®cretary to get some help in making the tag statements for the year 7 95, seconded by See*y, motion carried. No further business meeting adjourned.