10/17/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session on the above date and those presents were Mayor `di'ilson and councilment Seely, Spratt, Acker, Johnson, and Cooper. The minutes of the previous meeti.n6 was read and apr roved4 the de7.inquent bills V-4Lks bone over and Ross Anderson was instructed to turn every one off October 18, 1955 if not paid in full, and those that are behind one month will be given to Saturday of then week to nay their bills and, if not paid, they will be turned off Saturday. This is an order from the City Council. `:t'he Mayor was liven the authority by the City Council to instruct Cbnsta.ble Carter on anything that needs to be done inside the City Limits of Sanger as he is payed by the City of Sanger, that is one half of his salary. A. letter fram tkae i a nolia : ctroleum Co. was read in re ,ard to ta.xts ass&ts against this company. The Council gave the Secretary the authority to erase this ass esnient from the Tax Roll, f or 1954 and 1955 - A letter from the City oi' McKinney was read and the secretary was to write a letter asking; the Veterans Admin- istration to not move the Veterans Hospital from the City of McKinney, The Council decided to put lectri.c and 141ter meters on every con0uzner inside the y of Sander's distribution system and Bolivar distribution system, and Valley View. No one will be connected to Rlect-T c or dater unti_1 a meter is placed on the consumer. This was to be d(ne just as soon as possible. No one will be on a mimm i,n rate. Seer®tart' was vi.ven the authority to buy a filing; and storage c€ binet for the City Office to keep supplies and. records in. motion. was made to adjourn, motion seconded and. carried. e pry