11/07/1955-CC-Minutes-Regulare November 7, 1955 The City Uo'ncil met in regular session on. the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Spratt, Acker, Seely, Johnson, and Oooper. The minutes of prevus meeting wa.s rc.a.d. a.nd approved. The t'rionthly bills totaling 1..:' 6 V,ras read and a motion by Johnson, seconded by Cooper to pay bills, motion carried. mayor ilsoxx read a re port from the Tt xi hi hw ty ept. n reference to building overpasses .for the new highway that is to go thru the City of Sanger. The City decided that they had rather hal.Te the overpasses bmilG over holivnr Road and south of town, instead of. over Bolivar Street, City OK' d the Garden Flub using the fish and in the Park to plant flowers in, the City would help the U'lub in getting dirt and fertilizer in the Fish Pond. Street Commissioner Cooper was inxt-naakad to take care of this project. asked `i'he Council instructed the Secretary to get extra h.el when. needed i n the Office to help out with t he work. `.the lra.s . rr3nce now being car:eied on tl e plant was disc»ssed and the Secr.etaVy was to see about what the premiiams would rian if the insurance was raised to about 008,000.00 on building and contents. rnotian by Oooper to pu.t a dP 0 add in the School .nnual this year, motion aeddnned by Sprat -up rrlot.i on carried. The Louncil decided not to put an add in the Telephone directory for this year. The council approved having the wench truck worked on and repaired. No further business znoti on carried. motion to adjourned was made -and seconded