11/21/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Tot-nson, Seely, Spratt, and Acker. Cooper being absent, Mr. Newberg of the Newberg Insurance Co. was a vistor who gave the council his ideas and prices on increasing the insures ce at the plant on the building, contents,and cooling tower, and oil storage tanks. His cost for additional insurance on these things was as foil st 6,000, increase on plant �- ®_®_m_® 21.84 9000000 tt /9 contents®_®__®�®_�®®®® 4h,6940 100000 tt rr Cooling Tower 32. 0 6,000. " Oil Storage Tfnks�®_ 1021 . 0 Less savings for five gears refund of 93. 2 Total cost for additional insurance for 5 years® His three year plan on the same amount of insurance was total cost d$335.10. Warren�Easley insurance co. price for this additional insurance fbr the remd,aning 25, -fears of the present policy was $ 234.65. The minutes of previous meeting was read and approved. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Johnson for the City to take this increase in insurance from Warren®Easley Insura ce Co. at a cost for 251 months for $2311,65, This makes total insurance on Plant 22,500.00, Contenbs, 175,000., Cooling tower S3,000., Oil storage tank 6,000. This policy will be good until December 28, 1957. The City will run an additional 100 ft. to serve residents of U®hn Hughes, and Dave Eellers.for sewer lines. Ross Anderson -was to put Christmas Lights up around De c emb er 1, 1955 The parking of trucks along the East Side Park was discussed by the council. Delinquent accounts was gone over by the Council. Motion to adjourn was 'made and seconded, motion carried. E re aryl