12/05/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 5, 1955 The City Council met in regular sessioe6 on the above date those presents were Mayor Pro®Tem Acker, ouncilmen Johnson, Spratt, Seely, and Cooper. Mayor Filson being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling $10112.86 was read and a motion by Cooper seconded by Seely to pay these bills, motion carried. Seely madea motion to buy two Good Year tires from LeGear & Cooper for the pick®UP 4 ply tires, Double Eagles for 036,76, seconded by Spratt, motion carried. H .bert Schertz .met with the. council in regard to taking .is personal property tax off as he had sold this equipment by January 1, ,1955• The Louncil informed Mr. Schertz to produce bill of sale or the person 'he sold this equipment to Foom and address so the City bould inform the other City or Gounty of these tax's and they could collect the tax's from the individual whom Mr. Schertz sold this equipment too' and the City would remove this tax, but until he did this the tax was in effect. The Council decided to hire Mr. H. G. Harris to assess the City Tax's for 1956 Md Mr. Harris would be payed only for the x,endition sheets that had been signed by the Property owner himm self. And any person owning more than one piece of property would be put on the same rendition sheet instead of putting on several sbperate sheets. A fee of .35 per sheet wuibuld be payed for assessing these tax's if they came under the rules set out. The"ordinance: Passed reads as follotArss AN ORDIANCE PROHIBITING 'THE SALE OR' OFFERING FOR SALE OF A IY FIREWORKS WIHIN THT' CITY OF SANGER., TEXAS: PROHIBITING THE DISCITARGE OF ANY FIREWORKS IN THE CITY OF SANGER 9 TEXAS: DEFINING THE TERM FIREWORKS: PROVIDING FOR AN E XCEPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE: BROVTDIUG A PENALTY: AND DECLARING AN FIMTR GENCY. BE IT ORDANINF{,D B`.L THE CITY COiNISTSSTON OF THE CITY OF SANG , TE_ AS. SECTIONI. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, company, or partnership to sell, offer for sale , either directly or indirectly, any type of fireworks or other similar thing as that term is hereinafter defined, within the corporate limits of the Oity of Sanger, Texas, and arty person, firm, corporation., company, or partnership who shall sell or offer to sell any fireworks or other similar thing within the corporate limits of the City of S m ger, Texas, shall be fined as hereinafter 15rovided. (FIRYJWORKS ORDINl1NC +r CONTINUED FROM PAGE 158) .Any person who discharges or causes to b e discharged any fire works as that berm is hereinafter defined, or other similar thing within the City limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, shall be fined as hereinafter provided. The term "fireworksP� shall mean any firecracker, torpedo, sky -rocket, roman -candle, sparkler, spit®devil, or other similar thing. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed so a s to prohibit the celebration of certain events with the use of fireworks under the direction and supervision of the Fire Marshall of the City of Sanger, `texas, It shall be within the discretion of the City Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas as to when and what celebrations with the use of fireworks will be allowed. S�cTION 5 Any p®r�on, -firm, corporation, company, or partnersb.ip vi�1a® Ling any of the provision of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than Fire Dollars ($5.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). A�1y Ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hGreky expressly repealed. rJTTWP E,AS, the City of S� ger, Texas, now has no adequate ordinar�ee regulating the sale and discharge of fireworks and the fact that the discharge of such fireworks con.stitues a serious fire hazard to the property of the citizens of Sang, Texas, and also constitutes a serious hazard to regard to life and limb of its citizens, creates an emergency and am imperative public necessity requiring that the rule providing that such ordinances shall be read an three several occasions be and the same is hereby suspended and the same shall be in full force and effebt from and after the date of its passage and publicationas provided by law. A`��TEST: City No further and passed. retr d yrr Sanger, Texas City of Sanger, Texas business a motion to adjounn was made, seconded,