12/19/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Johnson, Seely, Spratt9 Acker, and Cooper. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved® The Fireworks ordianance was read and approved for the seconded time, by a motion by Cooper, seconded by Johnson, motion carried. Discussion was given of Mr. Stanford parking his tn�tck loaded with post on the east side of the park next to the highway, which this obstructs the view of citizens crossing the highway. Discussion was given on doing something about the speeding on the streets of Sanger, double parking in the )Aushness district, reckless driving, and people running the red light at the crossing of Boliv�3r St. and Fifth Street. This was to be corrected by asking our Constable.to please stay out on the streets more and stop some of this. Discussion was given about the overpass's on the new highway 77 that is to go thru the Suggestion of asking the rlighway Engineer Mr. up and meet with. the council and explain just work when built® that are to be built City Limits of Sanger® Kirkpatrick to come how the overpass's will A motion by Johnson, seconded by Cooper to give each regular employee of the City of Sanger a Christmas n_resent of 10.00 each, motion carried. Discussion was giv on delinquent bills, and the City council was to stick with their resolution of collecting light and water bills by the 15th of each month, and those who do not pay by the 15th, the secretary teas to send each one that has not payed. a notice and if the bill is not payed within ten days, Ross Anderson was to cut each one off from water and light service. No further business a motion was made to ad,jour, motion seconded and based.