01/03/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session on the above 'date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Johnson, Cooper, and Spratt. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved® The monthly bills totaling $1,774.89 vas read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Johnson to pay bills, motion carried. The physical condition of Oscar Vaughan was discussed in relation of his working at the plant. His doctor was to be contacted and find out just how serious his condition is. A motion b7� Acker, seconded by Seely,, for all employees to turn in at what time he will want his vacation for each year and it will be approved by the Council, vacation consist of 6 darking days, and sick leave is for 6 days, making a total of 12 days off from work, Motion carried. eN The diesel oil hauling was discussed, the City wi11 stay with their agreement with the G. 1. 0U'l1 Co. to haul this fuel from Ardmore, Okla. and the G. T® Oil Co. will be paid 112X per gallon for hauling it to the plant. The oil that was gotten from Gainesville, Texan is not up to the engine reguirements and can not be used, thiidening of the street in front of Mrs Lett,ye Pritchett was discussed. y o e� i« ,.. z �( W... N The Council agrr®d to mark off a No®Parking area in front of 0. M. Gentle Store by t he steps leading to sidewalk in the about the middle of the block, of the north side of Bolivar street between 3rd and Loth streets. Purpose of tYis ig for people to be able to get upon the sidewalk on the north aide of Bolivar street in this block. The telephone situation was discussed in length. if Mr. Nunnely wants to put any telephone wires on the City of San �;er Electric poles he will. have to meet with the Council and discuss this matter further. No further business a motion to adjourn was made .a nd seconded, and carried.