01/16/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 16, 1956 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, �'oucilmen Ack-er, Spratt, Seely, Johnson', and Cooper. The minutes of prvious meeting was read and approved. Mr Earl Nunnely of the Sanger Telephone Co. met with the council in regard to connecting onto the City's poles on the East line of the City's. The Council decided it would be al- right for the SanEpr Telephone Co to run their telephone wires on the City poles. The Telehone o. was to rework the Poles and put Cross Aroas on the poles. Also Mr. Nunnely ask if he may submit a proposal on installing a dial system in the 0ity of Sanger, this was to be submitted without obligation to the City. The Council okted this proposal. Discussion was given on buying a spare Governor far Engines at the plant. This was to be looked into further before any action was taken. j - Mr. Acker .gave a report from the Doctor taho h.as been takeing care of Oscar Vaughan and also his conversation with the Terxas Highway Department about the City runnings sewer and water lines under the new proposed Highway 77 that is to go thru the City. This was to be 11oked into further® I,eGear �c Good�loar 2® 625 x 1- 750 x ere three bids submitted for tires that the City needs Dig truck or dump truck. The bids were as follows, Cooper Tares (Rayon tread) 20 - 10 Plys-- 150.00 20 - M plys-- 60.00 210.00 Mtor C Sanger oo. GoodYear Tires (Rayon) 2A 825 x 20 ®- 10 Plys- 1- 75o x 20 Total Sims Service Station rmstron.g Tares (Rayon) 2- 825 x 20 10 Plys--- ' 138.50 1" 750 x 20 0 Plvs--- 55®31 Total 193. 1 This buying of tires was put off until later. P11} 3.70 8 P1 � -- 07 5 .30 19 .00 Discussion was given about the overhauling of the new I}50 HP Enterprise Engine. This was to be done this month sometime.before the summer load begins. Mrs Audrey Erwin would. have to produce a deposit r®cipt or find out who she put the deposit up with. be.f ore the City could refund any money, as the City does not have a record of her deposit on the books. ° A motion by Joh��"son, seconded by Cooper to adjolzrnip motion carried. iviayor