02/06/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Johnson, and Spratt. Seely being absent® 1,h.e minutes oft he previous meeting was read rand. approved® The monthly bills KKKANEXPI totaling ojp2,,0F3 to I was read and a motion by ,Acker, seconded by Cooper to pay the brills, motion carried® A motion by Sprtt, seconded by Johnson to buy a truck load of poles to used on the electrical system in Sanger, Bolivar, and Valley View, rfiotion carried. City Council discussed 'the 5-6 in Block 6 of O.T. to the themselves a warehouse® The Lease this lot to them for 10 t ime p�ssibilites of leasing lots Sanger Telephone Co® to build Counc.1.1 decided that they might years but no longer length of The bids for buying three tires for the City Dump truck was.gone over the the counc'l accepted The Sanger Motor Co® biers for d�198®00® Secretary was to order these tires at once® The Council decided not to buy a spare governor for the Enterprise Engines at this time® Discussion was given on running water and sewer lines undor the new highway for future use if their was any new additions for houses begin in that section town® The water line would be a 611 1 ine run on the south side of Elm St® and the sewer Lines were not decided upon at this time. Mr® Acker was to give this information to the Texas Highway Department about the water line, and they in turn would give us the requirements for doing this work® Chief Brown was to submit a list of hose, nozzle, and. stem the Fire Department needs and get a price on these items A motion by cooper, seconded by Johnson to adjourn® Carried® f May or 2 J ar y