02/28/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularI+ebruar;y ?_8, 1956 The City Council met in a call those presents were Mayor Wilson, Seely, Johnson, and Acker. Guest Briggs of the Dixie Tank & Bridge General Fire Truck Co.,, and Fire session on th.e apove date Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, o.f the Council was Mr. Co. and Mr. Order of the Chief Brown. . BrlCU3s of the Di =.ie Tank Co. explained to the council about repainting, scaling, and cleaning the overhead water t041Pr. He submitted his price for doing this work, with his company furnishing labor and material to pd. nt, scale, and clean bRis tank for t1,000.00. This is a guaranted ,job. A motion bycluer seconded by Seely to let r. Briggs compp.ny do this work beginning Monday March 5, 1956, and after this work was done a new contract woLiMe be issi_aed in reiDa _ring and welding that would need to be done to the tank. Motion carted. Chief Brown told the council re was dianpo�nted with the new Fire Truck that was bought from the General Fire Truck Co. He said he under stood that the fire truck bed was to have some compartment on the side of the truck and it did not have these compartments on there. Mr. Carddr of the Geneal Fire Truck Co. explained to the Council and Chief brown that these cow-f-)artment was additional items and that they would hive cost more to have had them put on the truck. After much discii.s ion on this matter the couhmil decided to accept the truck as it w:;is because it was not in the contrrdl,et about putting these compartment on the truck. A motion carried . b� -Y 'ohnson, seconded by S pratt to Ind journ, motion � 1v�,ay or