03/05/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 5, 1956 The City Uouncil met in regular session on the atove date those present were Mayor Wiloon, 'Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Seely. and Johnson® Spratt being; absent® The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved® Mr® Earl Nunnely of the Sager Telephone Co® was present and presented to the Counc-9.1 a proposal about installing a dial telephone system in the City of Saeger® motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to accept the following agreement or proposal submitted by the S der Telephone `4o® The agreement is as follows® S�nIG�.R TI;LEPIIONT CITY. OF SANGEI� , TS3E CONSTRUCTION a GR?�'I+MI� NT between C OM -PA NY AND THT?' TEXAS for OF .A DIAL TYPE TEL �"PHONE �>YSTEM The Sa,nge�� Telephone Company proposes to build a dial system in the City of Sanger, Texas® The new construction will consist of a new telephone building, additional poles, cable, dial telephones, dial central office equupment and supplies riecessarY for completion, This will i.nclude bringing Greenwood, Slidell, and , Texas into the central office which will be located in t he City of SaYrer, Texas and all calls to and from these places will carry no toll charge or other additional charges a Bove the established monthly rates. New rural da.stricts and lines will be cor�tructed as soon after the completion of the city system as possible® The S� ger Telephone Company is ready to begin engineering for immediate cora.struction with the approval of the City Council® O11 completion of engineering, the necessary equipment will be ordered., and construction will continence® This proposed dial type telephone system will be completed within one year from the delivery date of supplies and equipment, ka.rring unforseen conditions® In con.siderati on f or t he dial type telephone system for t he City o f Sanger, Texas, and all the rural area, the S� � er Telephone Company ahks that the following rates be madejvailable on completion of tine dial change�Over, and the renewal of the telephone franchise for a period of twenty®five (25) years from the change®Over date® The rates to go into effect are as follows® (Conti nixed on Next pa��e �`� 167 ) (Continued frmrn page 166) Business Straight Line �a9.00 plus tax Business Extension 1.50 plus tax Resident Straight Line 11®75 plus tax Resident 2 ParLine 3.75 plus tax Resident ! Party Line 3e00 plus tax Resident 'Extension 1.00 plus tax Rural lines 3.00 plus tax The dial system is the b est type telephone service available anywhere today and gives subscribers 24 hours service® The Telephone office will be attended by operators to give inform. ation and render long distance service® By This proposal has been approved and accepted this day of March., 1956 Mayor City of Sanger, yex x The monthly bills amounting to �9,697®59 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by, Johnson to pay accounts, motion carried® These bills included the Fire Truck which cost 5076®26 and the new Ford Chassis costing 19875*659 The council decided to change meeting time from 7:00 P®M® t® 743o R®M® This wi11 new time of 030 .'.M® of meeting will be effectibe at once, with the next mmeting, :Discussion was ��;iven about furnishing water to coustomer on the west side of the new � proposed highway and also those who live outside the City Limits® .A motion by' Cooper, Seconded by Johnson to adjourn, motion carrie d® "`a Mgy or