03/07/1956-CC-Minutes-SpecialI'�arch 7, 1956 'i'he City Council rnet in a called session on the above date, those present Y.aF,re ,��layor �^Jilson, �'ouncilrnen Seel-;T, .(�cker, Cooper, Sprat, Johnson being absents T°'lra Bri,�z�,r_=;s anal two other employees of th.e Dixie Tank and Bridge Co. rnet i��rzth the counc:� 1 to discuss the repairs needed on. the over® lead tank, the`; are as follows t-�rith the pr7.ce of each Total �n ount of lineal feet of flat welding � � �� 3e j0---�- �L�®00 'Total azm.ount of 7.ineal feet of vert.i_cal weldin��; 2� r (j? 3®�0- 81}®00 '�'otal arnoun�t of lineal_ :feet of fingers to be welded in bottom,__�..�___®______________.�___________® 12U1 � 3�50-_�__ ?�20®00 Total arnoL�n`l; of lineal feet of horizontal welding- . 6of �� 3.�0-® 210®00 `.['otal aznountof rivets to be weld.ed____ l.� ��,����,____® 9ZE3.�0 Total a.�r�o?int of pits co be welded-•_®- 2y00 � ,60f®_-®®- 1y00m00 ���� ��ri�t�ti��t>ca�`x Cleaning, Scat. �_ng F� Fainting per Urigin.al co�.�tract-®_�-�-__-_ 1000®00 lIanho7_e �'et inst��.l_:l.ed labor Sc 1'i�.ter.als-______®_______.�._____ 2i)0®®® ��dju�,t sway roc).s--__®__________®______________®______�-____® 152®00 Repair � pack expansion jointsR______a®_____ ________________ 185,00 Reiaeld patches®___________________®___®____________________® 65®�,0 Total o:C both contracts 5 !,9 ;3�0 .�� .notion by hacker, seconded by Coo�,:�er to go work done with the Dixie Tsnk <''c Bridge Coy guarantee and insurance on the tank for the i`1®t.i on carried. No other business rnPet ng adjourned® ahead and h_a �, e This carries a same period of this 12 year t9_rne� _ _' j fwr ` � ' - �, t', � ;,� �<� �. �� �r;, �� �a r, Tray or _. _��._-� �. :, `tee re � �y