03/19/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 19, ,1956 The City Louncil met in r. egular session on the above dette those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen SW att, Seely,,, Acker, Johnson, and Cooper® The minutes of the previous meetingwad read and ar))roved0 Di.;cussi_ on w a.s given on the C�Joodward Go,vern.or that was ordered for the the hnterprise Ermines at the plant® The uovernor has gone up in price from $730.00 to �W15.00 so the council decided to cancel the ordered till further notice® SectretcTy was to Are the Governor company and cancel order. Mr. Ye�.)nebaher was to be contacted and see if he could repair the governor at the plant and if he could that would solve the problem of governors® .� 17ioti on by Johnson a.nd seconded by Acker r^or i-.he City `co order Fireman Training manuals for the Fire. Department amount of thecae manuals amout to [1;,Bo750 They 1-fere to be given to Fire Chief Brown for safe keeping® 111otion carried® A motion by Spratt, seconded by Johnson to pay fire Chief Brown ya�20®00 for the day he gar e the Fire Department when the >ta,t% Test was run on the new Firo Engine® Motion carried.® Discussion was given about L-h.e water and sewer lines of dyne rWells and Lee Crandall, Ine City decided this was their problem and not the Citys® S-ecreta:ry was to ca7_l the Kigh.way ]patrol and o:xnlain to him about the parkin; situAtion on the west side of the park and see if he could do something about it® No f urtl�er busi nnss11 a motion by Johnson, seconded by Seely to ad3oiarn® Sfotion carried®