04/02/1956-CC-Minutes-Regularpril Z, 1956 The C7.ty Council met in regular session on the. above dflte those present were Mayor Wilson, �'buncil?nen Johnson, Spratt,, Cooper, locker, and Seely. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Discussion was given about raising the speed limit on tra:i ns going thru the City Limits and about asking the railroad to put flashing stop signals on. the Cernentary road that being Willow St. Constable Carter was to contact Mr. Franks at the North end of town about cleaning up his out door toilet. The _rnont'��ly bi-11s totaling �'` 3,753.��3 wa.s r- ad. anal a m-�tion by Spratt, seconded by SePly to ��)ay bills, motion carried. "� ynotion by Seely, seconded byc} er to buy Enterprise enIInes at the plant, motion carried. governor for the Cour�:rcl dccidr,d. 'to have doss ltndorson to cut,every body that has not payed his monthly bills,off from electricty and wa!:er. council appointed l�,ayor ?}ikon to tyke charge of hiring any extra help when needed on th.e outside. The Mayor is suppose have complete control of all. work that is to be done on the outside. The Outside men will take their orders from the Mch,, or each day and any extra help needed he will be contacted flPst and get his Oil before hiring any one to work. This wa.s approved unanimously by the council and would go into effect at once. � motion by Johnson, seconded by Sec1y to adjourn, motio7-a carried.