04/16/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 16, 1956 PREVIOUS MINUTES CANVASS THE VOTES OF THE APRIL 3, 1956 - DECLARED ACKER RD WINDLE DULY ELECTED AS CITY COUNCILMEN A LETTER FROM TS PENNEBAKER ENTERPRISE ENGINES MR CHATFIELD COMMUNITY BUILDING, CIVIL CLUB, MR LASSER ALUMINUM STEEL, JOHN D GARY REDUCE SOME TAX ON HIS MOTHERS ESTATE OT BLOCK 22, LOTS 1-4 ANDERSON RUEBIN WILSONS RESIDENT IN VALLEY VIEW 'the City Connell. met In regal.lar(jsoession on -the above' d L., to ose presents were Mayor 1411son, o?_znc Linen Acker, Seely, Cooper, Iprr.tL, and GJlndl_e. Crest of th_o Counci_1 were P/1r. Mrs L. T. Kerb q 1611rc Jf)-ck JAr_instrong, Mrs Dick Cb!-rt;fIteld, a.nd. i"ir® 1if seer® - lIae minutes of the previous meeting w°as rend ,.rand a.rnprove,d.® Pla- ? appointed C )o-ner r.nd Sanrr-itt to e .nv ass the votes of the Carty election of %- pril 3, 1956. the Co,nifaittee of Cooper C)nd 'nr.rtt reported the elc ctlon count; to be correct, n.nd the Council accentod the report of the committee. 'T'he T'1 y or dismi;s;ed the Committee. rand declared Mr. Acker anal R. D. "VI ndle duly elected as City Councilmen. t.eker gRve t report tothe Council on his t a11a. to 14r® Elliott Enr._n.eer of the Clty of Denton. ilr, T1.1_iot;t said lrc t,rca rld be glad to co;n.e up nny time at his own expense to hc;ln tb.e Cit r o nr cr on any problem at the plant. And T,,ro?.7.1_d hblp the Cit r =-;et an engineer to 7,)rork nn the e -,A;incs r t the Tnl ant T# } "tri t T any tune the City needed one® letter from mm Slm'onnebraker w .s rend to L1 c coune'1. i`Ir® 1'enpnebaker recommended to th.e comici_1 to stock sonic extra connect ing rods for t he rn.terpril se engines ra.t ':be pl(lnt. `,I'he Council decided 'to eont-n.ct lr,aes Cog;;ir?s and _fluid out bis opinUon on t}-sis arse?ttcr rid_ If he needs sornc of these rods to order then?® P1r. Ch<<?Lf=1.c1d €,`a.ve r t:,.1k on tho Cocil,nunit; j b,_?ildln . tl t t;he d t fferent c:i v11 clubs are trying to j X( _J Jet it tX1 { build for the City® He ask the Council if ;ile, City would b e interested in roine, in with the otl er clubs in town. In constrazctinc); tl-ais b?:aildlng lith a City Rall in the bulld.ing. Also Mr. La ser gave Orenort on u.si.ng' lAlumI.num or steel in. building the, bl?ilding and n1so shownd the g roupe some sketches he 1 r?d drawn, up t'or thel_r consl.dernt9_on rad sortie prices on buil(3al g this big illdinol T'lie building; was to be 100' x b0l built out of steel would. cost about y119,569®00 less the found.r tion and and electricr.l work® An al.u(riinum bt?113ng would cost r.bout *(')k11,619,00 less foundation, plumbinP;, rind eler.tr°l coal wIrinf,® And if 1 11s company run the foilodnL-1on. it would cost abnut OJO a ft® This buI_l_din,,, and prices were -?ast idera.s l reri sir?d. the building could M be ille to ci?iL the needs of the 3 commul ity, maybe les.si honey or mobr10 money. lie est;lmrted the, n1iihlbint); would cost aq)proximately 'SP0.00 ta.nd then electrl_c;,.1 work about 4>320®00e Phe group left this wlththe council_ for their cons =i_derr.t_1.on® Mr. Jonn D. C(`ary met with t, lie r,oianc.i_1 ;asking t':gem to rc-;d.uce sorno of t`hr, to: f s on. his norther o s es>tt e® Tlae total raanotznt of tr.xp s less the penalty rand lntorc ,t raraounted to " Ll2B®3B. The count:l,l decj_ded. b7 , naot1on by Cooper, seconded by Acker . -to reduce Carry, s tax? s to t300.00 If he would pray that now. tlotim Carried® `T'hl s property was In the O.T. Block 22, lots to Lj, A r?d.ersoza j nQde tra report of Rue,b "in iV"lsnn1 residnet in Valley-Vic>,I,r hravinlV;vantage and it w?aul_d cost a-nnro.;cimately ii>200®00 to corrodt t is by runimng more wire .and putting in ra new transformer. Tshe Council g4ra ?e Jnitn pormis si on to 1;o ._ahead and Corr( et this® C% 0a t i nu.e d SECRETARY WAS TO TELL VALLEY VIEW OPERATOR NOT TO ACCEPT ANY CALLS COLLECT FROM VALLEY VIEW SECRETARY WAS TO FIND OUT ABOUT INSURENACE COVERAGE ON THE VALLEY VIEW POWER LINE Secretary w9s to tell Valle-7 View operator that the City will not accept any calls. collect .from Valley View unles l rrmde by Verg Brewer the City repro sent °lt ive in Valle-V Vi w. ',ecr(tary w ).s to find out abo»t insurance coverael on. the VJley Vi F w power Tine. irrindl_e p Jointed L-1 ol+it Cotnrn, .,.loner to repl , ce Johnson. motion b-f Spratt, seconded by Cooj)er toadjourn. Motion C<--Irried. 7T Mn May 7 1956 The City Council met in regular session on the above date, those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Seely, and Windle. Acker Being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling §Z,,387.74 was read and a motion by Spratt, seconded by Seely to pay the bills, motion carried. Discussion was given on how Ross- Anderson was to handle the work for the City. He was to contact the Mayor' each morning and get his in$tructions for the days work, and not to hire any one unless approved by the Mayor first. Anderson was not to start any line extension without first approval of the.Mayor and'Council. Any major repair work was to be an_ proved before work begins. Anderson was to keep in contact withthe Mayor where he is working and also the secretary to know where to'get in touch with him when he is off working, in case an emergencey came up. AndersonJis to turn in a list of material needed to the Secretary and he was to order the material for him. This way Anderson will not loose working time ordering goods from salesmen. The council apnonted Mayor Wilson to have complete control of the work done on the outside. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to order !} connecting rods for the Enterprise engines at the plant for spare parts, motion carried. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Windle for the City to pay $15.00 on three fireman's uniforms, motion carried. The City Council voted against giving free service and free tax' s to two 7mn wanting to put in a garment factory here. ( Continued on Page 173)