06/04/1956-CC-Minutes-Regular6 June i} , 1956 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those'' Present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Windle, Spratt, Seely$ and Cooper. tie minutes of previous eeting wasa • • t • • • Cooper a• a secodd by • to pay bills.• • arried. A motion by Spratt, secondby Acker for�the City to take a $25-00 add Sanger•mmunity Fbir Catologuet motion carried. .A trration by Cooper; seconded by Seely t® adopt an ordiance for the 1956 Tax rate at .90� per hundred dollard valuation, Motion carried. City to bulld to his barn and houseouncil best he could tell Lt will be about 000 ft. of - to be Valley View to be able to furnish his with electricity. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion carried. MAYOR S The City Council. met inregular session on the above d� e those present were Mayor Wilms n, oILA ncilmen Acker, Spratt$ Windle, Seely, and Cooper. The minutes d►f the previous meeting was read and approved. Discussion was given ®n digging holes (5) in Valley Viewrto pay the telephone co. for digging if they charged. Discussion was given o� the water supply situtat-ion in Sanger for future needs. An article was to be put into the paper about air guns breaking out street lights and meters, with the penalty added to it. Discussion was given about people running the traffic signal and the reckless driving about town, C�.rter was to be told about this and have him do something about it. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Spratt to adjourn, motion carried. May Oi 4ra ry