07/02/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 2, 1956 The City Council met -in regular Usession on the above date, those Ipresents were Mayor Wilson, ouncilmen Cooper9 Spratt$ Seely, Acker, and windle• • S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I III' • i t .. " • g • • • • C • Dooper, seconded by Seely for the bills to be paid, motion carried. Two representivies'of the Cooke County REA was present with a proposition to buy "the City of Sanger's Electric line east of the railroad in Valley View, they made no offer but just wanted to know if the City was interested in selling this line to them. After much discussion the Council decided they were not interested now in selling this line to -the REA. The Secretary was to call these men in Muenster and tell them they were not interested right now in selling this line. The water situation was discussed and a way to cut down on the consumption of water. .An add was to be run in the paper asking people to please cut down on the use of water for lawns as the water may get short before the summer is over. 3rd streets and to open to open the street lest from • street to the highway if any houses iny , •- Discussion was given on the parking side LO the park that I?as been marked and no truck parking, Mr. Carter was to stop this parking and to watch the highway crossing, of 2nd street and running East and one wanted to build of trucks on the west off for passenger cars called down and informed signal light at the A motion by Windle, seconded by Spratt to a djourn motirn Mayor a ry