08/06/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularAugust 6, 1956 The 'ity 'ouncil met in a K regular session on the abov® date, those present were Mayor Wilson, ouncilmen Acker, Seely, and Spr ett. Windle and cooper being absent. The monthly bills totaling 3,680.47 was read and a option by Spratt, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion by Seely, seconded by Acker to pay Flyy Ezell 030.00 1 Bartlesville, Okla. Also to bay Dick Ready* fori '-he hours he put i going to r "` being• •n carried. Discussion was given on parking cars across the sidewalks in town. Discussion was given about the duties of the County Health Officer and if he would enforce the health laws in Sanger, Mr. Acker was to talk to him and find out all the details. notice OL And XXX was to be put in the Sanger paper that all' dogs are to be vacinated for Rabbies in the City Limits of Sanger. ' To enforce ordinance on dogs that is now in the City's Ordinances. v (Continued Councildecided Y c • o • o o ^ o frcn page 178) the starter back that came with it. Council decided to black top the south part of Chun h St. beginning at 3rd street and going West to the end of Touchstone place with Touchstone furnishing at least two loads of"black top to cover the remaining part from the street to the curb to be'payed for by Touchstone. The bridge their at the intersection. of 3rd and Church to be widened. f Thrusday night August 9,1956' was set for the council to go over the tax rendition sheets for the year 1956. Council decided to buy a new Nipht watch clock and new stations for this clot];. Secretary was to order this at once. Bolivara water and sewer XIM line along Bolivar Street to the west KM side of the new hi.;-f 'Way 770 And to run the Bolivar line under ground along the highway. MUNICIPAL C DINANCE ( COnstruction and Maintenance) FREFIWAY PR OJECT 1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PORTION OF HIGHWAY NO. U.S. 77 IN THE CITY OF SANGER, BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING LIMITS, TO -WIT: FROM THE NORTH CITY LIMITS NEAR JUNCTION OF PRESENT TISo XIGHWAY ?7 AND RELOCATED U.S. HIGHWAY 77 SOUTH AND WEST TO 'P HE SOUTH CITY LIMITS AS A FREEWAY A ND AS A STREET, HEREINAFTER REFEREED TO AS "THE PROJECT" AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY SECRETARY TO AFFIX T HE CORPORATE SEAL AND ATTEST THE SAME, A CERTAIN CONTRACT BET ,N THE CITY AND THE STATE OFT EXAS -PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOR, MAINTENANCE, EXISTENCE AND USE OF SAID PROJECT AS A FREEWAY AND AS A STREET, AND DETERMINING THE LIABILITES A ND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS WITH REFERENCE THERETO; AND DECLARTNG AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING THAT THE ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE. EAS, the public convenience, safety and necessity of the City, and the people of the City r®quire that the portion of Highway No. U.S. 77 fromthe north city limits near junction of present UOS. Highway 77 and relocated U.S. Highway 77 south I nd west to the south city limits be constructed, since the existing condition constitutes a serious inconvenience to the public, which it is urgently required to be remedied; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the State of Texas to contribute financially in the project; and WHEREAS, the Stat®' of"Texas that the State will assist the maintenance of said project as providing the City approves the has made it known to the City City in thimpt e rovemenand a street a nd as a Freeway, plans for said project. (Continued to page 180) 0 (Continued from page 179) NOW THEREFORE, BE TT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: SECTIONI. That since the pu�lie convenience, safety and necessity of the City and the people of the City requ�Be it, said project is hereby designated as a Freeway and shall be constructed as s, street a nd as a Freeway a s defined by House Bill N®• 451, Acts 52nd Legislature, Regular Session. SECTION 2 That the State- of Texas be and is hereby authorized to enter upon, construct and maintain the project at the location and in the mariner sh�rwn on the plan attached " hereto, marked 'fExhibit A", and made apart hereof in all respe�ffi. SECTION 3® The Mayor of the City be and is herby authorized to execute for and on behal,� of the City an agreement and contract with the State of exas in. accordance with and for the purpose of carrying out the terms and provisions of this ordinance, in the farm attached hereto -and rre.rked "Exhibit B". The Mayor of the City is further authorized to approve and. sign the detailed plans for construction of the project or' any section thereof when and as such plans are completed and prior directed to award of construction contract by the State. The City Seers Lary is hereby directed to attest the agreement and contract and ���C to affix the proper seal of the City thereto. SECTION 1.E. The -fact that there is an imperative necessity the the work provided for in said contract to begun a nd carried out X�N�#�i��XX promptly, and that such contract should accordingly be forthwith executed, creates a publ is emergency req�ziring that this ordinance b e passed finally on the date of its introduction, and the Mayor having iri writing declared the existence of such emergency a nd requested such passage,�this ordinance shall be'pas'sed finally on the date of its introduction, this Aup�ust 6, A.D. 1956 , and sha11 take"effect immediately upon its pasaage and approval by the Mayor. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON I, Floy T. Ezel1 , the duly appoint,�d, qualified and acting City secretary of the City of Sanger , exas hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true and correct copy of an ordinance duly"passed by the .City council"at a meeting held on August 6 , A.D., 1956 at 9 o�clock P.M. To eer�ify which, witness my hand and seal of the 'City of Sanger � Texas this 6th day of August, 1956, at Sanger, Texas y sere ary of the C ty of .......,.Texas.. (Continued to page 181) ontinued from Page 180) A motion by Spratt, seconded by Acker to pass this ordinance motion carried. A motion by Aceker, seconded by Seely to adjourn, motion carried. Mayor See eta iy A.ugus t zo , 1956 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mcy or Wilson, Coi.neilmen Windle, Cooper, Spratt, Acker, and Seely. w The new High�a:y project was discussed by the council. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Cooper to buy a load of 30' and 351 poles, motion carried. To buy these poles from Denison. The council d®tided to pay ss Winnie Seal �1.00 per hour for her work while working vactions. The tax rendition sheets was gone over and September 17, 1956 was set for the time for people to meet withthe Uouncil to discuss their taxis for 1956. A motion by 1Pdindle, seconded by Seely to adjourn, motion carried.