09/04/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularSeptember 4.- 1956 The City Council met in regular esssion on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Acker, and Seely. Spratt and Windle being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monully bills totaling 94,018.25 was read and a motion by .Acker, seconded by Cooper to pay bills, motion carried. Discussion was given about Oscar VPugk�.an physical condition. The Council decided to contact John Lewis Sullivan and have him draw up an agreement between the City and Oscar Vaughan releasing the City from any damage charge that might come up by Oscar Vaughan getting hurt or falling on any thing at the plant that might kill him or injure him. counciland the •-. to see s • • c,�, z • - .. not think that out 3.n the new well was discussed h.ow much. McDmnald will give the City cost around $600.00 to have it repair - the pump is worth that much money. Cooper was to find out all spedifications and pri�ee on a tractor and a Back�Hoe for KKR the City, this was to be brought up at the next meeting. The Council discussed the possibility of doing away with the Offiee of City Health Officer. After much discussion on the mater a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to do away Tkith the.Gity Health Officer for the time being, motion carried. A motion by Cooper, seconded b y Seely to adjourn, motion carried.