08/20/1956-CC-Minutes-Regularontinued from Page 180) A motion by Spratt, seconded by Acker to pass this ordinance motion carried. A motion by Aceker, seconded by Seery to adjourn, motion carried® Mayor A.ugus t �o , 1956 hose present were Mcyor*Wilsono Coijncilmen• o Coopers pratts Acker, and Seely. The new nigh�;ay project was discussed by the council. A motion by Spratt, seconded by cooper to buy a load of 30' and 351 poles, motion carried. To buy these poles from Denison. The council decided to pay ss Winnie Seal 1.00 per hour f or her work while working vactions. The tax rendition sheets was gone over and September 17, 1956 was set for the tune for peoe to meet withthe ouneil to discuss their taxis for 1956. A motinn by Wind.le, seconded by Seely to adjourn, motion carried.