12/15/1956-CC-Minutes-Regular4 October 1, 1956 . The 'City Council met in Cegular session on the above date those present were Mayor WilsDn, ouncilmen Windle, Cooper, Spratt, Seely, and Acker. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling 3,084.55 was read and all approved but one bi11��'of Oscrtr Vaughant s time turned in for Labor Day. A motion by Coo Ter, seconded by Acker to pay all other bills, motion carried. The holidays approved by the Council were NewYears day, July 4, or Independence day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The resolution passed by the Council was as follows; Work performed on Legal Holidayst Any employee who shall work on any legal holiday, approved by the Council, shall rec&ive pay for that work. This pay hall be seperate and in no relation to the regular salaries. Also resolution that every man shall take �rlDis regular assigned day off as his job calls for only bix days a week, this leaves and makes 3 days a week for the extra man of which this time is -his regular days to work. This was passed by a motion by Spratt, sedonded by Seely, motion carried. Bessie Kirkland property on 5th and �1m St. was discuse�d as a Fire Hazard to the City of Sarger. Action was to be taken to get this property cleaned up for the protection of the citizens of Sanger. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Cooper to have Leon Y®un6 ditching contro.ctor to dig the ditch and fixonish used 14 pipe as casing in laying,'the new water line up Bolivar St. across the proposed new U.S. highway 77. Motion carried. This work was to start immediately. the pride of this was for ditching 20per foot, and the used 4" pipe and weld .25¢ per foot. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to change locatltbn.n of new �lectri:c line that was to run across the new i�k�way from Bolivar Highway to, starting at the corner of Plum St. and 10th St. going south to Pecan St. then West on Pecan Ste across the new highway by going overhead over the highway. Poles, wire, and all equipment and materil was to be ordered immediately and work to begin at once, motion carried. Council OK fed signs to be made to be used as detour signs wh work is being don® on the highway or a street were traffic' is. And also a sign to be placed on the park around the play- ground equipment w ning older boys and girls to stay off and KXK against damageing the equipment and a fine was to be placed on any one damageing or destroying this equipment. A ditching machine was discussed for the use of the City. Const ;ble darter was to keep cars from parking two and three deep on the conrner of Bolivar St. and 2nd. St. A t n by Cooper, seconded by Acker to adjourn. Se t ry ay or