11/19/1956-CC-Minutes-Regular6 November 19, 1956 The City Coijncil met in regular session on the above date those present wire Mayor Wilson, Copnellmen Acker, Seely, Cooper, Spry att, and Windle. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Acker to rescind the trailer Lot rent as was passed November 8, 1956 by the colj'ncil. Motion carried. A motion by pratt, seconded by Acker, to charge 5.00 a week for lot space with the water and sewer furnished with the renter paying his own electric bill by a meter. Or if want electric, Crater, sewer, and space furnished it will be $8.00 per week. Motion carried. � �� Truck parking in main streets w�� discussed. Discussion was given on digging another water well for the City use, the same type of well as the Santa Fe well. A motion by Seely, Seconded. by lntindle for the secretary to buy a new adding machine for the office, motion carried. A motion by � att, seconded by TAJindle to ad journrp motion c arried.