12/05/1956-CC-Minutes-SpecialDecembef 5, 1956 The City present and Jo L Council met in a call sp-ssion on the above date those were Mayor Wilson, Uouncilmen Seely, Windle, and Spuatt, ® Sullivan as guest® J® L® Sullivan answered question on employees and City's trucks® employee's compensation insurance and ,the employee from accident® several insurance comnanyies and insurance, Also to check rates o Sullivan advised if the rates were 25,9000®, �q 50,000® 115,000® out on about compensation. insurance He advised the City to take so as to protect the City This was to be discussed with find out their rates on. this n public liability® J. L. in line to take at least the public liability® He a dvised the city to 1;ake public liabiility, in one p��ic and a combination policy of employee liability and workmen's compensation® Discussion was given about Ross Anderson work and ordered, were left for him to do® Council decided to build a counter in the City Office. A mot � on was r�adeto ad;journ� seconded and ,passed® Mayor y