01/07/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 7, 1957 The City Council met in regular session on the above dat e those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Seely, Windle, Spratt, Cooper, And Acker. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and annroved. Discussion was given about hiring H. Harris to assess the City Tax's for 1957. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Seely to hire H. Harris to assess the City Tax's for 1957 for $0.35, a sheet if they were signed by the property owner. Motion carried. The monthly bills totaling G59735.09 was read and amotion by Spratt, seconded by Cooper to pay the bills, motion carried. Discussion was given about trying to influence the The Sioux Tank Co. to buuild there plant here in Sanger. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to buy a truck load of 35' poles to be used on t lie Valley View line, motion carried. Ande son was to go after t' e poles with the truck to pick out good poles. A discussion was GIVEN about buying 2" STEEL PIPE pipe along to a.c.cumlate a supply to replace old pipe in the water system. Discussion was given about getting easements on the ELECTRIC line to be built along the new highway. A discussion was given on the City buying a tractor and a back-hole to be used by the city to replace old water LEAKS sewer lines and, to be used on water leaks and sewer stop -ups. r Mrs Domke was not given permission to plant any trees on the outside pf her fence on the west side of her house as the fence is believed to be on City properly and in the ditch of loth street. A motion to adjourn was made and secnnded and carried. 1 May or t r.. i