12/17/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 17, 1956 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Seely, Spratt and. Windle. Acker beinj absent. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and an proved® 1'he Council decided to take out coinpreYiensive insuran ce on the Truck and pick®Up in'the place of Thief® Premium on the pick-up will cost M20 more, on the Truck will cost ()7.00 more. Workmen Compensation, and em»1_oyees liability insurance was discussed and the council decided on the Hartford policy, and to have insurance company make out pld)icy and let J® L,. Sullivan look over policy and ace if that is just wA t the City wants in insurance® The constructs on work of the barber Company in Denton in rebulRding the Vally View lime from the Sub�stfition to Harry Crranagan was discussed and the Council OK'd the bill of 1,029.25 and to give this company $100.00 for tearing down the old line,, this was done by a motion by Cooper, and seconded by Windle, motion carried® The city would start as�`ing for bids on the rebuild:tng of Valle�l View 1Tne on the County line® J® L® Su113��a n was to be contacted about drawnirig up easmebts for the City to'use in setting poles on the properyy owner along the roads. If employees were unable to take vacation ttiis year it c01) be applied on next years vacation. Or get payeda A motion by Spratt, seconded b Windle to give each City employee a Christmas presen t of10®00, motion carried® Parking on the main street was discussed. .A motion by Spratt, seconded by Cooper to ad. jo�az•n, motion carried.