01/25/1957-CC-Minutes-Specialno January 25, 1957 The City Council met in a call session on the above date tha< e present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Windle' Cooper, Seely, and Spratt. The meeting was called to discuss the building of the Valley View Power line on account of the new highway change. Bids on material was gone over from Nelson Electric Supply, Watson Supply, and General Electric Supply Co. General Electric submitted the lowest bid on material. A motion by Seely, seconded by Windle to buy the material for the construction of the new line from General Electric Supply Co. Motion Carried. motion by Accker, s edonded by Cooper to buy the poles from the lowest bidder, motion car.ried.We will need about 100 poles. A motion to ask for bids on building this line, Labor only, and tearing down old line this d -)ne by a motion by Seely and seconded by Windle, motion carried. No further business meeting was adjourned.