02/04/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 4, 1957 STREET LIGHT INSTALLED BY RC WILSON RESIDENTS ON PECAN STREET BUY A MERCURY VAPOR LIGHT INSTALLED BY THE CHAPMENT CLINIC FURNISH VALLEY VIEW COMMUNITY CENTER AND BOLIVAR COMMUNITY CENTER WITH LIGHTS WITHOUT CHARGE SELLING OLD TIN BUILDING ON BOLIVAR STREET JUST WEST OF THE CITY LIGHT PLANT The City Council met in regular session on the above dat e those present were Mayor Wilson, councilmen Acker, Windle, Spratt, .)nd Cooper® Seely being absent® The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved® The monurly bills totaling 52, 2l9®93 was read and a moti on by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay the bills, moti )n carried® A street light was to be installed by R® C® dils n residents on Pecan Street® motion by Cooper, s econded by iaindle to bi y a Mercury Vapor light to be installed b the Chapman Clinic if the light did not cost more thatj n125®QO® Motion carried® motion by 1rJindle seconded by Cooper to furnish Valley View Community mmox center and Bolivar Community center with lights without charge, motion carried® Secretary was to see about prices on P (achine and trays to 'keep the plates in® a used Addressing Cooper was to see ' ® R® Chatfield about selling old tin building on Bolivar Street just west of the City of Srpper lifTht plant. He was to see him not just for the City Permission was giver to buy a roll"of 8/2 intrance cable® A motion was made and seconded to adjourn motion carried® Maur nr