03/04/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 4, 1957 The 'City Council met in regular session those presents were Mayor 'ip{'ilson, Councilmen Acker, Windle, Seely, and Cooper. Spratt being absent® The minutes of the previous meeting was react and approved® Mr earl Nunnely of the Sanger TELEPHONE CO met with the council and. ask than the Telephone Co might contact the poles on the Valley View line from Granagan's to the County line or to The road thi t leads to the Davis place just north of the Robertson place® This was discussed by the coi.incil and a motion by Seely, seconded by°Cooney to give the Sanger Telenhon.e Co® permission to contact the City poles from Granagan's or from the spot where the City Poles and the Telephone Co®poles come together on the Valley View line if the Telephone Co® agrees to use a xaklug cable on every poles of the City that they contact. They must use a cable all the way to the County line i.f they contact the City poles, fiC No gross Arms is to be used on 'the pity poles® Motion e xrried® he montrly bills totaling ; ,855®O8 was read and a motion. by Cooper seconded by Windle to pay the accounts, motion carried Water drainage wk the building just west of the City park on the west side of the highway was discussed and Cooper was to see the service stations OPERATORS about washing their drives and. sweeping the water down the street to go into the building that a -e below the s erttce stations. . motion by Cooper and seconded by Acker to buy for the Pire Department to go on the small red hose on the reel on the truck, motion carried® A motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker toadjourn, a nozzle that is moti.cn carried® r r, May or Sec etar