03/18/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 18, 1957 'lie City Council met in regular session on the above dates those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Spratt, Cooper, and. Windle. the minutes of the previous meetinrr was read and approved® Water drainage on the west side of the park in front of the business buildings was discussed® Nightwatchman Sirns failure to snake his .rounds wa.s discussed, and he was to be instructed to make his rounds regular as the State Fire Insurance Commission requires® The telephone system here in Sanger was discussed and it was to be discussed with J. L. Sullivan for advice® The Mayor was to see J. L. Sullivan and see what he will charge the City to take care of their legal business and to pa7T hire for As service he has rendered in the past® A motion by Acker, seconded by Seely to ad jorxrn,motion carried® May or Se . 6taIZ March 21 , 19 7 The City Council_ met in a call session on the above date thhose present were Ma ror Tnlilson, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Seely, Spratt, and Wlhdle® With Harold L'asley as a guest® T he Action of the. Telephone Cd),® was discussed and Mx'® Easley told the council that Krum was more than .ready to have i;heir linos brought into Sanger rather than into Decatur a's the Telephone Co® has indicated. John L. Sullivan was to be contacted by the Mayor and. asked to met with the Council and find out u,nt what the City could do about the telephone Co® fulfilling their agreement with -the City of Sanger® No further business meeting ;adjourned® Ma-ror