03/22/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 22, 1957 TELEPHONE CO DAMAGES ELECTRIC POLES SANGER TELEPHONE TAKING KRUM, SLIDELL AND GREEWOOD INTO DECATUR HIR JOHN L SULLIVAN AS THE CITY ATTORNEY AT A SALARY OF $20.00 PER MONTH The City Council met those presett were MayL)n and Windle. Acker being guest John L. Sullivan. in regular sess ionon the) above date UJilsotos, C4)uncilmen Cooper, Spratt, Seely, absent® The council had as their John L. S Al Van. told the council that the Sanger Tcc; lenhone Co. had sent a complaint to hirn about damages that the City of Sanger had caused phm by places the electric poles between his line on the new highway right-of-way between. Sanger and the Cooke County line. He also said that probably nothing wol.ild be done as the' City has given the`Telephone, Co, permission to contact the City nole-s with a cable, on this new line. The council and John L; Sulk_van discussed the idea of the Sanger Telephone Co.. takeing Krum, Slidell, and Greenwood into Decatur instead of taking them into Sangrr as the Telephone Co. and the City of Sanger had reached an agreement to firing those town into the Central office which was to be located. .nthe City of Sanger. He advised the City to do nothing until_ they had some word from the Telephone Co. saying for c,ertamn that they were not going to bring those town's into Rnrrer, then the City could probably bring a breach. suite against the, Telephone co. for not keening their agreement with the City of 'SanIfer, if they did not bring those town's into the central officfe which was to be in the City of Sanger. Or the City cold condemm the poles off the Telephone co, as they were a hazard on the City streets and he wolIld have to tear the poles down and they could issue a franchise to some other company to put a telephone system in the City of Sanrrer. But before the City does anything they should find out from the Telephone Co. just what they are going to do. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Seemly to pay J®fin L. Sullivan 100.00 for back services he has rendered to the Gity of Sarver, motion carried. A motion by Seely, seconded by laind]_e to as the City Attorney at a salary of 20®00 carried. John L. Su]_lSullivan accented this position 1Vo further business rnebting adjourned. hiJohh LSull nvan re . per month, motion nth the CI' ty. Mayor