04/01/1957-CC-Minutes-Regularno April 1, 1957 The City Coijncil met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Cluncilmen Acker, Cooper, Seely, Windle, and Spratt. John L. Sullivan met with the council in regard x:kk}x to the telephone Co. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. The monthly bills totaling 2,699.00 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay the bills , mdDtion carried. The telephone Co. had not been contacted yet but would be by the mext,meeting. John City Could put into the franchise,that they telephone Co. any reasonable condition about able to move there office during the term o by J. L. Su1,livan as L. Sullivai"' that the would issue,to the the telephone not being f the franchise. . motion by ker, seconded by Seely to buy two HOT STICKS used by the outside men in changing out X arms off the electricity. Motion carried. No further business meeting adjourned. April 15, 1957 hot sticks to be without turning The CitT Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Seely, Windle, Spratt, Acker, and Cooper., The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Meeting time was changed. from 7;00 R, M. to 7r30 P'.M. Mayor appointed Windle and Acker to canvass the votes of the elec,ti coy. The committee reported the.t the votes were correct; Wilson received 131 votes for Mayor, Art Seely received 129 votes for Councilmen, Cooper 127, Spratt 127, L. Horst 1, Jess Smith 1. The Council accepted the committee report and the committe was discharged. Preparing a budget for the City :Rmx wq& discussed. ( Continued on Page 199)