04/15/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 15, 1957 The Citr Council met in regular session on the above d ¢te those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Seely, Windle, Spratt, Acker, and Cooper., 1. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Meeting time was changed. frorm 7:00 P..M. to 7:30 F.M. Mayor appointed Windle and Acker to canvass the votes of the electi chi. The committee reported the,t the votes were corrects Wilson received 131 votes for Mayor, Art Seely received 129 votes for Councilmen, Cooper 127, Spratt 127, L. Horst 1, Jess Smith 1. The Council accepted the committee report and the committee was discharged. PREPARING A BUDGET (Conti nued fromPage198) Every job that -is to be.done hereafter will be approved by the Council before the job is started. An emergency will be taken „care of soon as possible without the approval of the City Council. The following councllmen was appointed as commissioners by the Mayor: Light commissioners- G.A. Seely and Roy Spratt Water & Sewer Commissioners -= Acker, and Windle Mayor Pro-tem- E. M. Acker Street CommissionerH, D. Cooper Bob King was APPOINTED Fire Marshall at a salary of per month he was to be contacted and see if he wi11 this position and if he will he will meet with the at the next meeting. All employees was approved by the council. This gropsition of the fire marshall was made by by Acker and seconded by Seely, motion carried. lY/ .00 accept count it The Sewer System was discussed by the Mayor and Councilmen. City approved the idea of putting lights up at GENTLE'S building for the use of the community bar-b-que and also gave them permission to rope off what streets that needed to be for the bar-b-que. The job of nightwatchigg to see Mr Erwin about, LKKlagwy then repofit to the council. Mayor proclaimed May 1 thru May 4th as clean up week in th® City of Sanger, this was to include all residats and streets; alleyts and all business sections and all vacate lots in town. N® Fu.rther . busffiness meeting a d journed. J