05/06/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularMay 6,1957 The City Council met in regular session on the a love date those presents ware Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Spratt# Seely, ,Acker, and Windle. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. 'he montPiy • •• Tfeau _ • approved except $329-36 to W. B. Barber C or. A Motion by Spratt and seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried. A motion by Acker to appoint Bob King as Fire Marshall of the City o Sanger at a salary of $7.50 per month, seconded by Windle, motion carried. Discussion was given to Bob King about°seeing about the Kirkland place and the Lucio replace. To see if he could get them cleaned up. Dick Ready ask the City about mowing the City street after work ing hours, the City agreed to hire Ready to mow the streets if he gets a mower at 2.50 per hour. The used poles that was takes out of the Valley View line was to be gone over by the council --May 7, 1957-,at 9:30 A.M. and then they would set a price on the pkffx poles` they wanted to sell so they could be sold and gotten out of the way. dA spray was discussed for the City and they decided to see if they could hire someone to spray for the City instead of buying one of their own, at the present time.This spray was to spray Insecticide in ditches to keep down bugs and different insects this summer. Wit The council decided a'man has is entitled to a vacation• 41 motion by Windle, seconded by Seely to hire Mr. Erwin as Nightwatchman to help Pon Baker, motion carried• Putting water to the cemetery was discussed but no action was taken. A motion by Acker to raise floy Ezell salary $50.00 per month and raise Dick Ready salary 15.00 per month to put him and Ross on equal basis. They were to work together and both be in charge of the outside work, neither to have authority ,over the other'. this was sec :nded by Cooper, this was to go into effect May 1, 1957, motion carried.