07/01/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 1, 1957 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilosn, Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Seely, and .Acker. Windle being absent® The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling $3,948.66 was read and a motion by Spr att, seconded by Cooper to pay bills, motion carried. s m • • - IPlext meeting so more cculd be found out about the situation. BIDS FOR FENCING THE PLANT AND WHAREHOUSE RADIOS FOR THE OFFICE AND VEHICLES and all City prpperty around the plant with a 61 fence, Th,, fence w • . to start at lbhe North west• • of s plant and Southgo west to the property line with a 8t or 101 gate in the cente then South to the of • to :)roperty line with a double gate at the southto the 1gate •. then north to the south east corner of the plant with a double to get Into the warehouse e • a double gate tonorth-east entrance to the lot then west to the corner of the plant, Secretary to find out about radio's in the office and City pickup and uonbtable care Rod Spratt was to ca11 Texas Pump and Supply about the sprayi g macnine not working properly• No spraying was to be done outside of the City Limits.. 6" WATER LINE SOUTH OF BOLIVAR STREET ON 10TH STREET TO THE CORNER OF HUGHES STREET AND FIRE PLUG ON THE CORNER OF 10TH AND HUGHES STREETS waterCouncil decided to run a line south 51755 va s ree • a • • • • - • c • • • No further business a motion was madd an seconded to adjourn, LILotion carried.