07/15/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 15, 1957 BIDS FOR STEEL FENCE CYCLONE FENCE COMPANY WB BARBER COMPANY BUILD VALLEY VIEW POWER LINE BIDS FOR TW WAY RADIO BILL CARTER POLICEMAN TAX RENDITION SHEETS PURCHASING 2 25KVA TRANSFORMERS The Uouncil met in ular session on the above date those • resentwere : _ ind 'Wkx(ikx Cooper. qas received and opened and was as follows*, Shamrock Fence Co. ine Pence • 7 per lineal foot Dorner Post • ates •Co.:• erected price 98f is rY •* *530 • = • •erected prideLineal feet $1,1832-50o should additional •iotage e reguired or t 01-85 Per lineal foot. motion by Windle, second® . by . cker to accept; the bid of the Clyclone Pence Co., Motion carried. Work to begin at once. Mr. Barber of the W. B. Barber Co. of Denton who build the Valley View owerr line for the City met with the Council to discuss the bill of 329.26 for extra work done on the Valley View Power Line. The bill was explained and a. motion by Acker, seconded by Spratt to pay Mr. Barber for the work done, motion carried.' ,A motion by Acker, seconded by bindle to ask for bids on a two-way radio to2 tised in Constable car, City Pick®Up and a base station in the City "Offied., 'motion carried. s • • • • • • • • Phe salary would be $175-00 per month hewould work 6 days a meek and on 24 hour call 7 days a week, He w1ould not take the same day off each week. He would not take outside jobs while 4orking for the Ci y and he would meet with the council when ae wanted instruction about different laws to be enforced. The aity Councilmen would have complete control over him. Otherr ?rovision s to be work out by the council and Carter. Motion carried. L Old poles that can not be used by the City will be sold at 5.00 per p e. The council set %dnesday night July 179 1957 to go over the Tax Rendition shbets at 7;00 P.,M. Council approved request to buy wire and 2 25KVA transformers. repair • the City Jail,• •carried, ayo r