08/05/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularAUGUSTE 5, 1957 PENNEBAKER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PRODUCING KWH OW KEITHER CORRECT ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS TWO WAY RADIO BIDS - GE TAX RENDITIONS ROY SPRATT CONNECTING TO WATER AND SEWER VALLEY VIEW TELEPHONE COMPANY STOP THE SALE OF WATER TO OUTSIDERS EXCEPT TO FARMER CAGE BROTHERS The City Council met in regular session on the above date those prevent were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Seely, Cooper, Acker, Spratt, and Windle. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling 9.2p823.20 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay bills, motion carried. system with the muncil and gave some advice in correcting the situation s • also gave someon • the system has grown In producing KWH to consumers In the past few years. And advised getting a coolerto put onthe IgigEnterprise A electricalproblems, he was to be • • : G charge system has been put'back In first class corflition secondvid by motion carried. Secretary was to call him and have Mayorwith. the and discuss The council advised Ross . ndersan to get a release from him his doctor before starting to work. opened. The bids were as • . :• bid on - • RCA equipment of - Council • • not s • Motorola • • was 1 _be Watt single frequency base station, 1 30Watt sinfTle frequency mobile• Watt two frequency mobileall -• for 01,870,466bid was im6OWatt 2 frequency base station.,•, • Watt 2 frequency• • unit 1 30WRtt single frequency mobile unit with all units installe for 61P770050* A motion by Cooper, seconded by I ndle to accept • • motion carried. Tax renditions was to be left the same as last year. City approved XM Roy Spratt connecting on to City's water and sewer. Mr Solomon of the alley View Telephone Co. met with the council and ask the Co .xlcil to help build a new line in Valley VidcJ so both the City and telephone Co. could use the same poles The City was to stand half of the expense on about 30 pcles to be put in. They were to furnish the City with more information abort this. The council decided to stop the sale of water to outsiders except oe notifiedthat they e not to get any more water from