08/19/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularAUAUGES 19, 1957 WATER STAND PIPE SAYLOR AUDITING IN GAINESVILLE, TEXAS FOR 1956-1957 SELLING OLD OIL STORAGE TANKS PE PARK LOWER TAS ON THE CHANDLER PLACE NORTH OF TOWN CITY PARK CLEANED UP FOR FAIR 4 s • a . i •^ s•^" Ready and .end®rson was to see about water stand pipe on the Negro School ground and see if it had a -meter on it if not to turn it off. motion by° eker, seconded by Seely to hav® the City books audited by th®' 'aylor auditing Co; i.n Gainesville, Teas foxy the' year 1g56® 7. Motion Carried. This w .s to be done for Caoper was to see about selling old oil storage tanks on the City lot behind the plant. Mr. P. E. Parker met with the coian 3 to got h.is taae, s lower on the Chandler lac® north of town. The Council -lower th®m from ?50.00 to 400.00 and he left the other property ta.x the same as was last year. The City lots a nd City Park w 3.s to be cleaned up far the Ii'a3.r. A motion by Acker, seconded by Coop®r to adjoin, motion carried. SeC tal Y