09/16/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularSeptember 16, 1957, . . .. . TS PENNEBAKER ELECTRIC OPERATION PLAN OVERHAULING THE BIG ENTERPRISE ENGINE ORDINANCE CLOSING THE SOUTH 300' OF 11TH AND 12TH STREETS ON THE SCHOOL PROPERTY ORDINANCE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE PLANT PERSONNEL TO PUT HTH IN CITY WATER STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT STREET LIGHT AT PLUM AND 4TH STREETS DEAN SULLIVAN REFUND LIGHT FUNERAL HOME ORDINANCE ABANDONING PORTIONS OF HENDERSON AVENUE ELEVENTH STREET 11 STREET AND ALPHA AVENUE, TWELFTH STREET 12TH STREET QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SANGER ISD The itv Council met in reg C ular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, CouncilmPnt Cooper, Acker, and Seely. Windle and Spratt being absent. To S. fennebaker gave Me council some inlormation on Une riode of operation at the plafih. How the smneinumberof • • be • •• .*considerablecost in fuel than now being done. e Light Commissionerto look • the workthat • be done on • - • installing an After Cooleron lngin and approximate cost to the City to get it installed, ind how many more KWH the big engine could produce with this ifter cooler on .John L. Sullivan, City Attorney, was instructed to draw up , an ordinance closing the south 300t of llth and 12th streets on the school property, where the new School building is to be built. 'ranchise 'including both the agreement with the Sanger Telephone • and the City and also part of ordinance .1entral Telephone Co. had sent to the City of Sanger. But no 3Lctiontaken on r". it 11 )lant personnel to put ATA'1n the uity water as was Instructe •y State Health ^ •artment* motion carried. 1111(jIFIMM77 sureeLi • I • Dean Sullivan was asking a r efund for a, street light by the funeral home that was connected on his electric meter there• This put off till a later date. AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING PORTIONS OF HENDERSON AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS ELEVENTH STREET, AND ALPHA AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS TWELFTH STREETo IN THE y CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND TFRMINAT1NG PUBLIC MAINTENANCE THEREOF, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF SANGER TEXAS LL TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DAD TOTHE 'ABANDONED PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TOTHF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 3, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY• H. Yeatts, et al., Trustees of _, rHigh School deed,)istrict, a certain warranty recordedin Vol. of - Records of Denton County.,• • • schoolaid district all of • • • • evenn of the 'AUGHFS of enton County,plat of said (Next page) (Continued from Page 209) Addition of record in Volume 1, Page 7®1/2 of the Plat Records of Denton County, exas, and the Saner Independent School District, as successor to the Sanger Rural jif#i School District is now the legal and equitable owner in fee simple of said lands; and Wher8as, according to the plat of said Additions Henderso n Avenue, also known as Eleventh Street, runs North and South at distance of 300 feet, with a width of 40 feet, between Blocks Nos. Five (5) and Six (6) ,of Said Hughes Addition; from Hughes Street on the North to 'Willis Street on the South, and Alpha Avenue, also known as Twelfth Street, runs North and South for i distance of 300 feet, with a width of 110 feet, between Bl -Icks Nos. Six (6) and Seven (7) of Said Hughes Addition, from said Hughes Street on the North to Willis Street on the South.; and WHEREAS, Siad Henderson Avenue, also known as Eleventh Street, and Alpah Avenue, also known as Twelfth Street, have nearer been opened up between said Hughes Street and Willis Street,, and have never been accepted, used, or maintained as public streets, and there exists no reason or necessity for opening up said streets, or for public use or maintenance of the same, and said Sanger Independent School District is the owner of all property abutting on both„ sides of said portions of said Henderson Avenue and Alpha Avenue lying between Hughes Street and Willis Street, and desires to use daid portions of Henderson avenue and Alpha Avenue for school purposes, and the use of said portions of said streets for school purposes is essential to the proper utilization d'f the remainder of said school lands, and it is therefore in the public interest taht said portions of said henderson Avenue and Alpha Avenue be abandoned for public use as streets,and the public maintenance thereof terminated, and _that the Mayor a nd City ;Secretary of the said City of Sanger, Texas, be authorized to execute a quitclaim deed to the hereinafter described portions of said. Henderson Avenue and Alpha Avenue to the Board of Trustees, of the Sanger Independent School District, for school purposes, for the considerations set forth heretnab ove. NOIj, THFFZEFORE, BF IT ORDANTED BY THE CT_TY COtTNCTL OF THE CT'I'Y OF SANCsER, TEAS: 1. The Hereinafter described portion of Henderson Avernae, also known as Eleventh Street, in said City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, to®wit;, A11 that certain lot, ;bract, or parcel of land. `Lying and being situated in the City of Sanger, Denton :`County, r exas, out of the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, a part of Henderson Avenue in said City of Sanger, according to plat of the Hughes Additi oci to the City of Saner record.ad.' in Vol. 1, page 7 1/2 of the Plat records of Denton county, lekas, and being more fully and particularly described as follows*, (Continued from page 210) 'BEGINNING at the intersection of the South boundary line of Hughes Street in said City of Sanger, with the East boundary line of Henderson Avenue, also known as Eleventh Street, said point of beginning also being the Northwest corner of Block No. Five (5) of said Addition,' THENCE South with the West boundary line of said Block No. (5), and the East line of said Henderson Avenue, 300 feet, to the Southwest corner of said Block No. Five (5), In the North line of Willis Street; THENCE West 40 feet to the Southeast corner of Block No. Sjjr (6) of said addition, in the West line of said Henderson Avenue, and in the North line of Willis Street; v THENCENorth with the East line of Block No. Six (6) of said addition, and West line of Said Henderson Avenue, 300 febt to the Northeast conrner of said Block No, Six (6), said corner being the point of intersection of the West line of said Henderson Avenue with the South line of Hughes Street, t THENCE East 40 feet to the place ofbeginning, and being all of Henderson Avenue lying b etween Hughes Street on the North, and Willis Sb eet on the South, shall be and the s ® is hereby abandoned for public use, and all public maintenace thereof by the said City of Sanger, Texas, shall be and the sme is hereby terminated as of the effective date of this ordinance. The hereinafter described portion of Alpha Avenue, also known as Twelfth Street, in said City O.J. Sanger, Denton County, Texas, togwit: A11 that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and t- ei ng situated in the Ciyt of Sanger, Denton Couty, Texas, out of the H, Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, a part of Alpha Avenue in said City of Sanger, according to plat of the Hughes Addition to the City of Sanger recorded in Vol 1, page 7®l/2 of the Flat Records n of Denton County, exas, a ndbeing more fully and particularly described as followsb BEGINNT_NG at the intersection of the South Boundary line of Hughes Street in 5:-yid City of Sanger with the East boundary line of Alpha Aenue, also known. as Twelfth Street, said point of beginning also being the Northwest conrner of Block No. Six (6) of said Hughes Addition, THENCE South with the West boundary line of said Block Nn. Six (6), and the East line of alpha Avenue, 300 feet to the Southwest corner of Block No. Six (6) of said addition, in the North line of Willis Street,, THENCE West 40 feet to Southeast conrner of Block No. feet to the Northeast corner of the South boundary line of of Said Alpha Avenue;° THENCE East 40 feet to the place of b egin of .Alpha Avenue lying b etween hughes Street on 'Willis street on th.e South; ( ont inued on page 212 ) ntY% ' Nor and (Continuedffrom page 211) shall be and the same is hereby abandoned for public us,?, and all public maintenance thereof by the said City of Sanger,, exas, shall be and the sane is hereby terminated as of the effective date of this ordinance® The Mayor and City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas, shall b e and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, in the name of, and for and in behalf of the said City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporatiibn, a q>>it®cliam deed to the Board of Trustees of the Sanger Independent School District, conveying all of the right, title, and interest of the said City of Sanger in and to said abandoned portions of said Henderson Avenue, also known as Ll eventh Street, and Alpha Avenue, also known as Twelfth Streets in said City of Sanger, Texas, hereinabove described by metal and bounds®. The fact that the portions of Henderson Avenue, also known as Eleventh Street, and Alpha Avenue, also known as Twelfth Street, hereby abandoned, have never been poened to public use as streets or accepted or mainained by the City of Sanger as public streets, and that such portions of said streets are of no use or benefit to the City of Sanger, and that the Sanger Independent School District is the owner of all property on both sides of said portions of said streets hereby abandoned, and urgently needs to use said abandoned portions of said streets for school building purposes and other school purposes in conjunction withthe abutting propebty owned by said school district, and the construction of necessary and valubale school improvements is belting delayed pending the @ffective date of this ordinance creates and imperative public necessity that -the rule requiring this ordinance to be read on three separate occasions be suspended, and said rule is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall take effect fromand after date of its passage. PASSED and APPROVED this the 16 day of September, A.D., 1957• SEAL ATTEST; F1oy T® Eze11 City Secretary Approved as to Form a nd Legality; John L® Sullivan City Attorney T. C. Wilson Mayor A emotion was made and seconded to adjourn, motion carried. Mayor Wer ry