10/07/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularOctober 7, 1957 WA BUEL WATER DRAINAGE ON IS GREGORY'S PROPERTY ORDER PARTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE ENGINES AUDIT REPORT FOR THE 1956-1957 YEAR APPROVED 2' WATER METER NEW SCHOOL MEETING MEETING TIME CHANGED FROM 7:30 TO 7:00 PM The City Louncil met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, councilmen Spratt, Cooper, Seely, Windle, and Acker. The minutes of the previous meeting was read :Ind approved. Mrs Vtl. A. Buell met withthe Council to ask for something to be done about the Uwater drainage on her father's plac® Mr. I0 S. Gregory. The ounei 1 informed her that they would try to correct the drainage problem.. ,.Hiring Mr® Pennebaker, to oversee the plant and outside work was discussed but no, action was taken on this. The monthly bills totaling 3,334.66 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to pay bills, motion carried. Council instructed City Secretary to order Engine parts for the Enterprise Engines that was needed. Mowing weeds and spraying the town was to start again, Ready and Anderson was to take care of this pproved .y the III'ouncil. The Balance ut in the Paper for the people,to see, it water meter was to be ordered to be put on the new school building. The meeting time for the council was changed from 7:30 P.M® to 7:0o P.M.. May e tary