10/21/1957-CC-Minutes-Regular1214 October 21, 1957 The City Council met in regular session on the apove date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Spratt, Cooper, Windle, Seely, and Acker. The minutes of the" previous meeting was read and approved. A letter was written to Mr. Gilbert of the Cyclone Fence Co. to met with the council about the Fence that was erected. at. the City Light and Water Plant. The statement that was r eceived from the Cyclone Fence Co. is not correct according to the agreement that was made with the Co. when they reeeived the bid to erect the fence. The Council approved payment of this fence if and when they can reach an understanding with the Fence co. about the price. Mr. Gilbert did ndt show up for the meeting. 1'he After cafiler for the Big Enterprise Engine was di s# tassed but no action wastaken on this matter. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to put p5,000.00 from the Valley View Bank into a saving account at the First National Bank at Sanger, Motion carried* b nightwatchman to replace Mr. Erwin was discussed and Mr. Simon Gaemelick was to be contacted by Windle and see if he was interested In working the Nightwatchman job every month and the other month to work around the City cleaning'up ditches and moxmixgx mowing and what work that needed to be done. Roy Spratt informed the council of his resignation. as counciJ_men to be effective when he moves out of the City Limits. 11 A motion by Acker, seconded slaray from 2.50 per month to b 6ee1y to raise Archie Poindexter of building a New City Ball and a Post OFFICE BUILDING secretary was 'to see Lewisville and find about doing this. A motion by Acker seconded by Cooper to adjourn, motion carried.